飛行機をおり梧桐の並木道\Disembarking from the airplane, I went onto a boulevard lined with plane trees.
In the war-torn era,
arriving in the tranquil, charming Shanghai,
how can one not be moved to write a haiku to express these feelings?
In the era of war and chaos,
I disembarked from the battleship,
Temporarily stopping in the land of Shanghai,
Handling matters while my mind remains unsettled.
The bustling streets of yesteryear,
The tall plane trees of the French Concession,
Under their shade, I seem to hear the clamor of the past.
Walking on this familiar road,
The plane trees on both sides whisper,
In this momentary peace,
The shadow of war lingers.
Shanghai, your grand cityscape endures,
Though the fires of war burn afar,
Your streets feel like a tranquil oasis,
Momentarily letting one forget the harshness of war.
I am a sailor, a part of the battlefield,
Temporarily here just to attend to matters,
Yet in this land where East and West converge,
I find a fleeting sense of peace.
In this war-torn foreign land,
Longing overwhelms like the tide,
Dear ones in my homeland Japan,
Are you also waiting for my return?
During this brief stay in wartime,
Under the shade of plane trees,
I reminisce about the lost tranquility and beauty,
Yearning even more for the warm embrace of home.
Shanghai, your charm is boundless,
In the intervals of war, I find solace,
And deepen my longing for home.
@ Wang Chun LIn:Mr.Takai started to compose Haiku after the war, so I think this book contains a mixture of Haiku that he composed based on his memories of serving for the navy, and that he did after the war. If we assume it is the former, the scene you imagined is very interesting. 高井さんは戦後俳句を作り始めたので、この本には海軍時代の思い出をもとに詠んだ俳句と戦後に詠んだ俳句が混じっていると思います。前者だとすると、想像した情景は大変興味深いですね。
隣国の田に七月の松並木 The paddy fields at China bring back memories of a road bordered with pines at my hometown especially on July which are one of my favorite scenery.
@ 加藤広樹:I have heard that Mr. Takai served on board ships as a naval officer during WWII, and as a crew member on a repatriation ship after the war. If he composed this poem during the war, he would have kept his fighting spirit aboard the aircraft carrier "Zuikaku" with gazing up the Southern Cross, or if he composed it after the war, he would have felt a divine will aboard a repatriation ship "Etorofu" with doing it. 高井さんは、第二次世界大戦中は海軍軍人として艦船に従軍し、戦後は引揚船の乗組員として艦艇に乗務したと聞いています。戦時中に詠んだのであれば、航空母艦「瑞鶴」で南十字星を見上げながら闘志を燃やしていたでしょうし、戦後に詠んだのであれば、引揚船「択捉」で天意を感じながら詠んだことでしょう。
Wang Chun LIn 2024-08-03 22:33:36
飛行機をおり梧桐の並木道\Disembarking from the airplane, I went onto a boulevard lined with plane trees. In the war-torn era, arriving in the tranquil, charming Shanghai, how can one not be moved to write a haiku to express these feelings? 戦火の時代に、 静かで魅力的な上海に到着して、 この感動を表現するために俳句を書かずにはいられないでしょう? 戦火の中の年代、 戦艦の甲板から降りた私は、 一時的に上海のこの地に立ち寄り、 用事を済ませる傍ら、心は安まらない。 街角のかつての繁華街、 フランス租界の梧桐はなおも高く、 その木陰で、昔の喧騒が聞こえてくる。 この馴染みのある道を歩くと、 両側のフランス梧桐がささやく、 一時的な静寂の中で、 戦乱の影は消えない。 上海、大都市の姿は変わらず、 戦火は遠くで燃え続けても、 君の街路はまるで静かなオアシスのようで、 戦争の残酷さを一瞬忘れさせる。 私は海軍、戦場の一員、 一時的な立ち寄り、用事のためだけに、 しかしこの東洋と西洋が交差する地で、 一瞬の安らぎを感じる。 戦乱の異国で、 思いは波のように押し寄せる、 故郷日本の親愛なる人々、 あなたたちも私の帰りを待っているのか? この戦乱の短い滞在中に、 梧桐の木陰で、 失われた静寂と美しさを追憶し、 故郷の温かい抱擁をさらに懐かしく思う。 上海、その魅力は無限大、 戦火の合間に慰めを見つけ、 故郷への思いを深めた。 In the era of war and chaos, I disembarked from the battleship, Temporarily stopping in the land of Shanghai, Handling matters while my mind remains unsettled. The bustling streets of yesteryear, The tall plane trees of the French Concession, Under their shade, I seem to hear the clamor of the past. Walking on this familiar road, The plane trees on both sides whisper, In this momentary peace, The shadow of war lingers. Shanghai, your grand cityscape endures, Though the fires of war burn afar, Your streets feel like a tranquil oasis, Momentarily letting one forget the harshness of war. I am a sailor, a part of the battlefield, Temporarily here just to attend to matters, Yet in this land where East and West converge, I find a fleeting sense of peace. In this war-torn foreign land, Longing overwhelms like the tide, Dear ones in my homeland Japan, Are you also waiting for my return? During this brief stay in wartime, Under the shade of plane trees, I reminisce about the lost tranquility and beauty, Yearning even more for the warm embrace of home. Shanghai, your charm is boundless, In the intervals of war, I find solace, And deepen my longing for home.
犬塚義暁 2024-08-04 11:26:20
@ Wang Chun LIn:Mr.Takai started to compose Haiku after the war, so I think this book contains a mixture of Haiku that he composed based on his memories of serving for the navy, and that he did after the war. If we assume it is the former, the scene you imagined is very interesting. 高井さんは戦後俳句を作り始めたので、この本には海軍時代の思い出をもとに詠んだ俳句と戦後に詠んだ俳句が混じっていると思います。前者だとすると、想像した情景は大変興味深いですね。
鈴木 遼茉 2024-08-02 08:04:41
隣国の田に七月の松並木 The paddy fields at China bring back memories of a road bordered with pines at my hometown especially on July which are one of my favorite scenery.
犬塚義暁 2024-08-02 14:22:02
@ 鈴木 遼茉:確かに高井さんが生まれた岐阜県のホームページを見たら、大船神社参道の松並木が有名でした。広州で松並木を見て故郷と重なったのかも知れませんね。
加藤広樹 2024-08-02 12:03:22
@ 鈴木 遼茉:隣国といえど異国の地、遠く離れた故郷を思い出させる風景がある。感慨深いです。
村上琢磨 2024-08-01 15:39:24
ゴムの木蔭パンダ見る人休む人 Panda watching people and resting people are under the shade of rubber trees.
犬塚義暁 2024-08-06 20:07:11
@ 村上琢磨:https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=%E3%82%B5%E3%83%88%E3%82%A6%E3%82%AD%E3%83%93%E3%80%80%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E3%83%80&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:46a07d85,vid:1MWq4tUATTw,st:0
村上琢磨 2024-08-02 14:38:13
@ 犬塚義暁:仰る通りです!! ところでパンダにサトウキビですか? 日々勉強!!
加藤広樹 2024-07-31 20:13:42
西瓜提げ石段のぼる子と母と Holding a watermelon in hand, child and mother walk up the stone steps.
犬塚義暁 2024-07-31 20:33:33
@ 加藤広樹:太陽の照り付けるモンパルナスの石段を西瓜を持った母親と母親に手を引かれた子供が登る姿が目に浮かびます。By 城達也
犬塚義暁 2024-07-31 07:52:20
南十字星へ出船宜候夏夕べ turning the rudder toward the Southern Cross one summer dusk
犬塚義暁 2024-08-01 09:20:46
@ 加藤広樹:I have heard that Mr. Takai served on board ships as a naval officer during WWII, and as a crew member on a repatriation ship after the war. If he composed this poem during the war, he would have kept his fighting spirit aboard the aircraft carrier "Zuikaku" with gazing up the Southern Cross, or if he composed it after the war, he would have felt a divine will aboard a repatriation ship "Etorofu" with doing it. 高井さんは、第二次世界大戦中は海軍軍人として艦船に従軍し、戦後は引揚船の乗組員として艦艇に乗務したと聞いています。戦時中に詠んだのであれば、航空母艦「瑞鶴」で南十字星を見上げながら闘志を燃やしていたでしょうし、戦後に詠んだのであれば、引揚船「択捉」で天意を感じながら詠んだことでしょう。
加藤広樹 2024-07-31 21:47:42
@ 犬塚義暁:夏の夕暮れ日差しも幾分か和らいだ頃、いざ南十字星に向けYOSORO〜 古くから数多の船乗りの航海の目印となってきたサザンクロス、深イイです。
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